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International Pan‑European Union

Common Values

Paneuropa Italia, in collaboration with the Agromafia Observatory, Venice Julia Chamber and Villa Russiz Foundation, organised the international conference entitled ‘’Common values, youth and legality‘’ on 29 September 2023 at Villa Russiz in Gorizia.

PEU Italia Gorizia 2023

The panel discussion was moderated by President Gianna di Danielli.

The following speakers took part: Prof Marcello M. Fracanzani, Member of the Supreme Court of Cassation, Dr Oxana Bezugla, Paneuropa Ukraine, Prof Paolo Pittaro, Regional Guarantor for the Rights of the Person, Giuliana Colussi, FVG regional representative of the association Libera against the Mafia, Dr Filippo Tropiano, judge at the administrative court of the Lazio region, Dr Emanuela Russian, mayor of the municipality of Mossa, Dr Luigi Deciani, agricultural entrepreneur, owner of an educational and social farm, and Prof Pavo Barišić, Secretary General of the International Pan-European Union.

The following topics were discussed: Can we say that Europe is founded on common identity values? Do these values (still) have an attraction for young people? Legality, a universally recognised value, is often the subject of violations that cause social discomfort and anxiety, especially among young people. The issue of ethics, which is closely linked to that of the younger generations and their upbringing, is now more than ever a model of education.

The mafia infiltrates and jeopardises the identity of communities and spoils the quality of life of citizens (good food, local products, work, economy, etc.), as do the increasingly serious acts of violence that fill the news and petty crime, which is increasing exponentially. In this sense, it must be admitted that there are no ‘happy islands’. In order to develop a sense of legality, it is necessary to invest in education, especially among the younger generations. In this sense, the role of associations, no less than that of schools, is fundamental.

The meeting – in the splendid setting of Villa Russiz with its double soul, quality wine production and family home for minors in difficulty – was an opportunity to reflect together on these issues. The programme was followed by a convivial get-together and an excellent violin concert.

Programme (IT) (PDF)