General Assembly and Conference in Paris 2024
The General Assembly of the International Pan-European Union took place on 27 April 2024 at the Adèle Picot Cultural Centre in Paris. Representatives of member organisations and delegations from 26 countries took part in the General Assembly.
Prior to the General Assembly, the international conference of the Pan-European Union of France Pan Europe 2024 on new European directives and new challenges for companies took place on 26 April 2024 at the National Assembly under the patronage of French President Emmanuel Macron.
President Alain Terrenoire opened the Assembly and gave a speech on current geopolitical events and challenges for Europe and the world. In particular, he addressed the Russian aggression in Ukraine and referred to other centres of war in the world.
Secretary General Pavo Barišić presented a report on the activities of the International Pan-European Union and its member organisations. The focus was on the 100th anniversary of the Pan-European Union as the oldest movement for the unification of Europe.
In the general political discussion that followed, representatives of the member organisations reported on Pan-European activities in their countries and discussed the upcoming European elections and political events.
The Vice-President of the International Pan-European Union, Mislav Ježić, presented the draft declaration of the International Pan-European Union. After a lively debate and discussion, corrections and additions to the text of the declaration were agreed and unanimously adopted.
After the General Assembly, a tour of the National Assembly of the French Republic was organised.
- Agenda of the General Assembly (FR/DE/EN) (PDF)
- Programme of the European Colloqium (FR) (PDF)