IPU emblem
International Pan‑European Union

Message of Peace 2024

On behalf of the Presidency Council of the International Pan-European Union, President Alain Terrenoire, Secretary General Pavo Barišić and Deputy Secretary General Vanja Gavran sent a Christmas and New Year greeting card crowned with a Pan-European message of peace for the coming year 2024.

Peace on Earth

Dear Paneuropean friends,

In the challenging times, we become even more aware of what peace and freedom mean. As a pioneer and champion of a united Europe, the Pan-European Union stands for peace in Europe and the world, advocates the preservation and strengthening of a peaceful world order based on the principles of the United Nations Charter.

On behalf of the Presidency of the International Pan-European Union and in the spirit of announcing God's eternal peace, we wish you and your families a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2024.

Alain Terrenoire, President
Pavo Barišić, Secretary General
Vanja Gavran, Deputy Secretary General

Christmas and New Year's message (EN) (PDF)