IPU emblem
International Pan‑European Union


The Croatian Pan-European Union, in cooperation with the International Pan-European Union and the Knights Alkar Society of Sinj, organised from 25 to 27 October 2024 in Split and Sinj the international conference ‘Mission of Europe in the World Order of Peace’.

Organised by the Pan-European Union of Germany in cooperation with the Bavarian State Chancellery and the European Institute for Political, Economic and Social Affairs, the 62nd Andechs Europe Day took place on 19/20 October 2024. The focus was on the question: South-East Europe – a no man's land?

On 11 and 12 October 2024, the Pan-European Union of Ukraine organised an international conference in Chernivtsi entitled ‘Pan-European Idea for Victory and Peace in Ukraine’. Speakers from Ukraine, Sweden, Austria, Germany, France, Croatia, Spain and Romania took part in the conference, which was attended by a large audience including many young Pan-Europeans and students as well as the media.

The international conference ‘Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Western Balkans on the Road to the European Union’ took place from 27 to 29 September 2024 in the city of Ljubuški, organised by the Pan-European Union of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the ‘Human Fraternity’ Foundation.

The President of the Pan-European Union of Albania, Genc Pollo, announced the sad news that the distinguished Pan-European and former member of the Albanian Parliament, Gerti Bogdani, passed away on 18 September 2024. His curriculum vitae is attached below.

From 13 to 15 September 2024, the 4th Summer University took place in Hyères on the Côte d'Azur, organised by Paneuropa France. Speakers from several countries took part in the programme: France, Portugal, Italy, Belgium and Romania. 

Paneuropa Italia organised the international conference ‘Giuseppe Tartini: The Theory on Harmonic System and composition of differences’ on 24 and 25 June 2024 in Gorizia and Trieste.

The 50th anniversary days of the Pan-European Union Germany took place at two magnificent historical locations in two federal states: in the Bavarian Allgäu metropolis of Kempten, the oldest city in Germany, and in Zeil Castle, a cultural centre in the Württemberg part of this unique landscape.

The General Assembly of the International Pan-European Union, held in Paris on 27 April 2024, issued a press release reaffirming its full support for the Georgian people, the vast majority of whom want their country to join the European Union.

On the occasion of the upcoming elections for the European Parliament, the General Assembly of the International Pan-European Union at its session in Paris on 27 April 2024 adopted the Declaration in which it invited European citizens to vote for representatives with a strong European orientation who will act dedicatedly for Pan-European goals in the European and world politics.